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The Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers held a regular meeting Tuesday, April 12, 2011 in the Mary Hawley Room of the Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown. CT. ~Chairman James Juliano called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

PRESENT: James Juliano, Mary Fellows, Marie Smith, Karen Pierce, Margot Hall. ABSENT: Sandra Motyka.

ALSO PRESENT: ~Building Administrator Tom Mahoney, web master Trish Dardine, Marion Chamberlain of CIRMA Insurance.

Public Participation

Marion Chamberlain discussed liability insurance. Ms. Chamberlain said that she discussed with Mrs. Becker that some renters used their home insurance policy as proof of insurance, which offers the Board of Managers no protection because the renters do not add the Edmond Town Hall to their policy. CIRMA has a Tenant User Liability Insurance Program (TULIP) program which allows renters to purchase insurance per event or per day, including liquor and liability coverage, at weddings for example. CIRMA already insures the building with liability coverage but not the outside vendors or outside people who attend events.  She strongly suggests that the Board of Managers consider this program. The Board raised the concern that the insurance could double the cost of the rent; the Alexandria Room can be rented for $375 and the insurance could cost $384 for liquor coverage. Birthday parties cost $35 and insurance could cost at least $75. The Board will discuss whether to implement this program and will get back to Ms. Chamberlain.   

Review new web site with Trish Dardine. Ms. Dardine said that the web site is in place but needs content. She walked the Board through the homepage. There is a slide show for upcoming events, which also includes movies and fund raisers. There could be links to Facebook and Twitter. There is a description of each room with a picture. There is also a rate sheet. Ms. Dardine said that a mechanism must be set up for the gift books The Mary Hawley Society can take donations through Pay Pal. The site can be viewed at Ms. Dardine is willing to help maintain the site perhaps with a Board member. Mrs. Pierce noted that this can be written so that it will put us on Google. Ms. Dardine said that first the content must be approved by the Board, and then a road map can be prepared. Mrs. Pierce said that she is willing to put a lot of time into this project. She suggested that any items to be put on the website could be approved by the entire Board via email rather than having a special meeting. Ms. Dardine also suggested putting press releases on the site. Mrs. Pierce and Ms. Dardine will review the present content and will sent this information to the Board.

Acceptance of Minutes. Upon motion of Mrs. Pierce, the minutes of the regular meeting of March 8, 2011 were unanimously accepted as presented.

Building Administrator’s Report. Mr. Mahoney reported that Mr. Kathan is back from medical leave for a couple of hours each day. Mr. Mahoney has received two resumes for Mrs. Becker’s position. The job description will be discussed under “New Business.” Mr. Mahoney said that the Borough lease was sent to Warden Jim Gaston. There is much storm damage to the bushes and to slate in the front. Mrs. Fellows reported that Dan Holmes will put together a proposal for a cleanup for the landscaping. Mr. Mahoney will call him. Mr. Mahoney said that the group renting the lockers plans to remove the glass doors. Mrs. Pierce noted that the lockers downstairs are bolted down in case they are to be moved at some time. Mr. Mahoney said that a lady wants to use the kitchen to bake cupcakes two times a week, two hours at a time. She said that she should be charged $27-35 per hour as she feels this is the going rate. The Board agreed that she should be charged $50 per day. She will be asked to sign in and out to monitor the time. Mr. Mahoney said that during spring break next week True Grit and Yogi Bear will be the films. Unemployment Compensation said that the Board must pay for Tim. He had another job when he had this job and had enough hours to file a claim. Mr. Mahoney responded that he was fired but Unemployment said that the Board still had to pay. Mr. Juliano will research this further.   

Building Superintendent’s Report.  Mr. Kathan was not present to report.

Chairman’s Report. Mr. Juliano reported that the floor is done in the Lower Meeting Room with vinyl tile.  He reported that we did not go out to bid for the snow removal because this had to be done by the 27th of March or we would be charged $27,000 more by the contractor. A price of $800 was received for a 27x15 patch in the gym where the floor buckled. The entire floor will be sanded and restriped after this section is done. Mr. Juliano agrees with Mr. Mahoney’s suggestion for glass block for the gym windows. Mrs. Pierce spoke with a company who said that there are a whole range of options available; she will take care of the windows. Mrs. Fellows will get prices for the paint. Mrs. Fellows reported that the dressing room items are fire retardant and she will send this info to the Fire Marshal.

Mr. Juliano will have the Mary Hawley Room heating and air conditioning done at a minimal cost. The Energy Audit is ongoing.

Newtown Hook and Ladder. First Selectman Llodra asked Mr. Juliano to attend meetings with Hook and Ladder to discuss the possibility of using this site.  

The disconnect was missing from the exhaust fan that was not working. Mr. Juliano noted that the motor was not working.  Glenn Hopper used a wheel puller to pull the shaft to repair the motor.

Report from Mary Hawley Society. Mrs. Motyka was not present to report.

Correspondence. None noted.

Bills for Payment. Mrs. Fellows moved to approve the payment of bills totaling $21,557.06  pending the availability of funds. Second by Mrs. Pierce and unanimously carried.

Unfinished Business.

Rental to Ginger Hanrahan for art group. Mrs. Hall reported that Ms. Hanrahan wants to rent the whole suite. She would like a floor other than carpet. The rent would be $300. She would need insurance coverage. Mrs. Hall moved to offer her offer her a six month lease for $300 per month and to note that she needs to establish an LLC and have liability insurance.  Second by Mrs. Smith  and unanimously carried. Mr. Mahoney will wait to hear if she accepts the terms before he has the carpet removed and the floor redone.

New Business.

Review of secretarial position and posting/qualifications for the position. Finance Director Bob Tait has suggested that the Finance Department take over the accounting functions of the Edmond Town Hall. A special meeting will be held on Monday May 2 at 6:00 p.m. to discuss the job description and Mr. Tait’s offer.

Comments around the Table. Mrs. Pierce would like to set up meetings with Charter to set up rooms for WiFi. She would like to obtain specs for renovating the theater. Also she called Ridgefield Playhouse to find out their process for renovating. She asked the Board’s approval to discuss this with the Ridgefield Playhouse. She asked that the Board send her their comments on the website by this weekend so that she can meet with Ms. Dardine next week.

Possible Executive Session. None noted.

Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk